Saturday, December 24, 2011

gettin woozy

Jesus Christ 
By Brand New

Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face
The kind you'd find on someone that could save
If they don't put me away
It’ll be a miracle

Do you believe you're missing out?
That everything good is happening somewhere else
But with nobody in your bed
The night is hard to get through

And I will die all alone
And when I arrive I won’t know anyone

Well, Jesus Christ, I’m alone again
So what did you do those three days you were dead?
Because this problem's gonna last
More than the weekend

Well, Jesus Christ I’m not scared to die
I’m a little bit scared of what comes after
Do I get the gold chariot
Do I float through the ceiling

Do I divide and fall apart
Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark
This ship went down in sight of land
And at the gates does Thomas ask to see my hands?

I know you'll come in the night like a thief
But I’ve had some time alone to hone my lying technique
I know you think that I’m someone you can trust
But I’m scared I’ll get scared and I swear I’ll try to nail you back up
(everyone now)
So do you think that we could work out a psalm
So I’ll know it's you and that it's over so I won't even try
I know you'll come for the people like me
But we all got wood and nails,
And talk dirt at hating factories
But, we all got wood and nails
And talk dirt at hating factories
Yeah, we all got wood and nails
And we sleep inside of this machine 

Being home has been good. I have so many good people in my life. It's good.
But I'm swimmin' twice as hard now, and quite honestly I am terrified.
I have made no art, which hurts. Lots of tequila, taco cabana and best friends. <3
Still terrified. Petrified maybe. Something tells me this isn't gonna be easy much longer.

happy holidays kittenkatz!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Gareth Pugh
wowwowowowowowow wow wow

mmmmm fashion.

I recently received the syllabus for next semester's sculpture class from my professor!
The class will mainly be focused around creating public film and installations based
on readings of Freud, Jorge Luis Borges etc etc as well avant garde films and artists.
sooooooooooooo fucking excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
School of the Art Institute of Chicago <3



Sunday, December 18, 2011

planes trains and automobiles

currently wanting all of the above. 
let me come up with 1,500 dollars rul quick.

I am currently home in Austin, Texas. Already getting stir crazy, anxious,
and more psychotic than usual. Panic attacks in airports are always good 
On a lighter note, its almost christmas and my parents will be cooking
copious amounts of food and showering me with love. Hooray.
Even though I hate holidays... this one should be good.
Here's hoping I stay out of trouble.



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

im ready i am


I dont think i've ever been this inspired, this proud or this ready to move forward.
Winter break will be nothing but art every single day. 
Thank you School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Monday, December 12, 2011

he asked me how much

and I answered "you have no idea."

"Blood Bank"
 By Bon Iver

Well, I met you at the blood bank
We were looking at the bags
Wondering if any of the colors
Matched any of the names we knew on the tags

You said, see look that's yours
Stacked on top with your brother's
See how the resemble one another
Even in their plastic little covers

And I said I know it well
That secret that you knew but don't know how to tell
It fucks with your honor and it teases your head
But you know that it's good girl
'Cause its running you with red

Then the snow started falling
We were stuck out in your car
You were rubbing both of my hands
Chewing on a candy bar

You said, ain't this just like the present
To be showing up like this?
As a moon waned to crescent
We started to kiss

And I said I know it well
That secret that we know that we don't know how to tell
I'm in love with your honor, I'm in love with your cheeks
What's that noise up the stairs, babe?
Is that Christmas morning creaks?

And I know it well, I know it well
And I know it well, I know it
And I know it, I know it
And I know it, I know it

back home on Saturday.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

when running does not suffice

My newest photo series!
Title: Mouths
Medium: Photo, edited with photoshop 
This photo series is a part of my 5 piece collection for my Core Studio class
at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Conceptually, the photographs
are meant to show sexuality.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

i'll sleep when i'm dead

Chanel Pre-Fall

It's crit week at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
That means no sleep, pounds of coffee, final collections, intense and emotionally distraught art students, overwhelming amounts of pressure and art 24-7. 
This is what we live for <3



Saturday, December 3, 2011